Suggested Kindergarten Science Center Materials
Science Gear
Thematic Dramatic Play Clothing (e.g. lab coats, goggles, magnifying glasses, hats, outfits)
Thematic Books & Decodable Readers (if applicable - leveled)
DIY Thematic Art Craft
Art utensils & materials (e.g. collage items, paint) and a posted "model" of craft
All About Theme Tray/Basket
Vocabulary cards, picture cards, charts (e.g. life cycles), real-life examples (e.g. bird nest)
Theme Prop Basket
Props for expanded exploration (e.g. safari figurines with blocks)
Thematic Investigations
Science investigations to include: hypothesis, observation, experiment/ collection of data (measurement, weight, estimation), and conclusion (e.g. how many ribbons will fit around the pumpkin, how many lines does the pumpkin have?)
Thematic Practical Life Activities
Realistic activities that deepen connection to theme (e.g. pulling sunflower seeds from dried sunflower with tweezers, wrapping presents for the holidays); fine motor transfer activities with colored water (e.g. yellow water for fall season) or seasonal material (e.g. rice for Chinese New Year); and other types of fine motor activities (e.g. folding cloth napkins, scrubbing props with toothbrush & soapy water)
*Thematic Photo Calendar Matching
Match small calendar pictures (from back of calendar) to the larger pages (simply cut & laminate both small & large pictures from a calendar - you can find calendars for any theme/season - check your local dollar store!)
Drawing Tray/Basket
1/2 size blank paper & shapes for drawing seasonal/thematic pictures​
Thematic Measurement
Different options such as for weight, size (e.g. weigh the pumpkins)
Display thematic items alongside a sensory tray.
DIY - Calendar "Thematic" Photo Picture Match. Cut & laminate the smaller calendar pictures (from back of calendar) and cut & laminate the larger pages individually, and match!
DIY - Calendar "Thematic" Photo Picture Match. Cut & laminate the smaller calendar pictures (from back of calendar) and cut & laminate the larger pages individually, and match!
DIY - Match labels of a diagram!
DIY - Life Cycle Picture Match!
Display picture cards, real-life objects, etc.
Use fun thematic writing paper alongside "all about" picture cards.
Display thematic objects alongside drawing utensils and paper.
Display thematic picture cards alongside drawing utensils and paper.
Thematic Fine Motor: the use of soap and water to be properly modeled for students!
Also use in fine motor/ writing center.
Also use in fine motor/ writing center.
Also use in fine motor/ writing center.
Compare and contrast alongside theme.
Compare and contrast alongside theme.
Compare and contrast alongside theme on T chart by drawing pictures or writing words.
Compare and contrast alongside theme on T chart by drawing pictures or writing words.