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Kindergarten Behavior Clip Chart

Make a fun visual Behavior Clip Chart for your Kindergarten classroom!

Kindergarten Behavior Clip Chart

The behavior chart in this picture is something I created several years ago and use in my Kindergarten classroom alongside "supplementary paper charts" which I keep in students' daily take home folders (more info coming on those soon!). The idea is to have a quick way for students to check in with their current level of behavior in an easy, straightforward, and visual manner. Each day, each student starts on the "Ready to Learn" tag. As the day progresses, students may need to move their clip as their behavior changes (good or not so good). Of course, every student always has the opportunity to make it back to "Ready to Learn" and the "Super Star" tags! If a student ends the day with anything different than ready to learn, it is checked off on their daily take-home "supplementary paper chart" so that parents have a good idea of how their child behaved at school. These paper charts are a great way to track a student's behavior and see if there are any trends. This chart may not be the best tool for extreme behaviors, but it is a way to hold most students accountable. And, since students have the daily opportunity to move their clip to "Super Star" based on amazing and helpful behavior, this chart becomes a huge source of motivation! Students LOVE to move their clip to "Super Star," and the fact that they can show their parents with the paper chart makes this achievement even more meaningful!

I chose real photos for the tags for each level of behavior, which consists of: Super Star, Ready to Learn, Think About It, and Need a Break! Each student has their own clothespin, and they are in charge of moving their own clip when asked to do so. I understand that having a visual classroom chart may not be right for every (primary) school teacher, but for me it has been a great way to emphasize appropriate student behavior in the classroom. As a side note, I got this idea from a teacher that I worked with many years ago. Instead of animal photos, she used a bad banana system! So that may also be something you could try in your classroom!

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