sorting, patterns, numeral recognition, numbers, matching, counting, place value, shapes, & measurement skills
*See pictures below for specific activities & designs
Suggested Kindergarten Math Center Materials
Number/ Shape Books
Number/ Shape Flash Cards
Different types of number cards, which display numerals in varying formats alongside the corresponding word; different types of shape cards, which display shapes in varying formats, such as real-world pictures
Counting Charts
1-10, 1-20, 1-100 for oral & one-to-one counting correspondence
Sorting Baskets
Different baskets with different sorting categories (e.g. animals, colors)
Pattern Baskets
Pattern Blocks with pattern book, DIY pattern booklets​ (e.g. use Do-A-Dots)
Counting Object Baskets
Counting object baskets to 10, to 20, to 30 with small objects (e.g. gems, beads, counting animals)
Counting Mat Trays
Various seasonal mats with specific counting objects (e.g. apple mats with apple erasers) for 1-to-1 counting correspondence up to 10.
Numeral Matching Activities
Various counting props (e.g. magnetic numbers, wooden/scrabble numbers, number tiles); puzzles
Sensory Number Activities
Fine motor counting (e.g. play-doh number/ counting mats, clothespin clip cards, sand paper numerals)
Addition & Subtraction Activities (provide when appropriate)
Objects with addition/subtraction cards/mats (e.g. sea shells addition, shark teeth subtraction)
Place Value
5-frames, 10-frames; ones, tens, hundreds, thousands place value mats with objects representative of each value for building numbers
Tracing shape patterns; drawing with shape patterns; providing baskets for 2-D & 3-D shapes; sorting with shapes
Different options such as for weight, size (e.g. weigh the pumpkins)
Use thematic counting cards!
Rote counting practice. Change out objects monthly!
Rote counting practice. Change out objects monthly!
Rote counting practice. Change out objects monthly!
Rote counting practice. Change out objects monthly!
Rote counting practice. Change out objects monthly!
Pete the Cat Counting Mats #1-10: count with buttons!
Use sensory objects alongside counting mats! Check out my counting mats on TPT!
Use Glitter Numbers & Cardstock from the Dollar Store! Use as "sand numbers."
Use Glitter Numbers & Cardstock from the Dollar Store! Use as "sand numbers."
Use Glitter Numbers & Cardstock from the Dollar Store!
Use "sensory objects" alongside counting activities, such as rocks, erasers, etc.
Write numbers on clothespins, and match clothespins to number cards.