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Reading Skills Pyramid

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Following the levels of the Reading Skills Pyramid is essential to helping students learn to read - and achieving each foundational step before moving forward is extremely important. Below is a quick glance at the specifics of Kindergarten reading skills that students can demonstrate at each level. 

1. Print Concepts: Understands that print has meaning; reads text from left to right & top to bottom; handles a book correctly

2. Phonological Awareness: Recognizes & creates rhymes; recognizes & counts syllables; recognizes individual words

3. Phonemic Awareness: Recognizes, blends, segments & manipulates onset & rime, and beginning, ending, & middle sounds in CVCs; differentiates between sounds

4. Phonics & Decoding: Names ALL letters of the alphabet, and knows their sounds; connects letters/ letter combinations to sounds when reading (i.e. blending), and connects sounds to written letters/ letter combinations when writing (i.e. segmenting)

5. Fluency: Reads CVCs and (known) high frequency words (HFW) quickly

6. Vocabulary: Uses new words in speech & creates longer sentences when talking or writing

7. Reading Comprehension: Answers open-ended questions, such as who, what, why; makes predictions; summarizes; describes story elements



My TPT Kindergarten Literacy Printables & Resources
Include: phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, fluency, & vocabulary photo picture cards that can be used for circle time activities, literacy center activities, or small reading group instruction. 
*Simply click on a resource image below, and you will be directed to the specific TPT  page! 

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